As a professional, I understand the importance of creating content that answers specific questions that people might have. One common question that arises for divorced parents is “when do custody agreements end?”

Custody agreements can be confusing and complex, but they are crucial in ensuring that both parents have equal access to their children after a divorce. Typically, a custody agreement will end when the child reaches the age of majority, which is 18 years old in most states.

However, in some cases, custody agreements may end earlier or later. For example, if the child has a disability, the custody agreement may continue beyond the age of 18. Additionally, if the child is still in high school at age 18, the custody agreement may continue until the child graduates.

It`s also important to note that custody agreements can be modified based on changes in circumstances. For example, if one parent moves far away or has a change in work schedule, the custody agreement may need to be modified to accommodate these changes.

If you`re unsure about when your custody agreement will end or if you need to modify your agreement, it`s best to consult with a family law attorney. They can help you understand your rights and ensure that your custody agreement is in the best interest of your child.

In conclusion, custody agreements typically end when the child reaches the age of majority, but there are exceptions. If you have any questions or concerns about your custody agreement, consult with a family law attorney to understand your options.