Distribution Agreements Definition: Everything You Need to Know

A distribution agreement is a legal contract between a supplier and a distributor. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of how the distributor will sell and distribute the supplier`s products or services.

In simple terms, a distribution agreement is an agreement that permits the distributor to sell products or services of the supplier. It is a contractual relationship between two parties that specifies the price, territory, and duration of the arrangement.

The agreement is important because it ensures that both parties understand their roles and responsibilities. It will also help to protect the supplier`s intellectual property rights and ensure that the distributor adheres to the supplier`s quality standards.

Types of Distribution Agreements

There are several types of distribution agreements, and the type of agreement usually depends on the distribution model that the supplier intends to use. Some of the most common types of distribution agreements are:

1. Exclusive Distribution Agreement: This type of agreement gives the distributor the exclusive right to distribute the supplier`s products or services in a specific geographic area.

2. Selective Distribution Agreement: In this type of agreement, the supplier selects a limited number of distributors to sell their products or services based on certain criteria.

3. Non-Exclusive Distribution Agreement: This type of agreement allows the supplier to appoint multiple distributors to sell their products or services in a specific geographic area.

Key Terms in a Distribution Agreement

Some of the key terms you will find in a distribution agreement include:

1. Territory: This refers to the geographic area where the distributor is authorized to sell the supplier`s products or services.

2. Duration: This specifies the length of the agreement.

3. Pricing: This outlines the price the distributor will pay for the supplier`s products or services.

4. Marketing and Promotions: This outlines the marketing and promotional activities the distributor will undertake to sell the supplier`s products or services.

5. Intellectual Property Rights: This specifies how the supplier`s intellectual property rights will be protected.

Benefits of a Distribution Agreement

A distribution agreement offers several benefits to both the supplier and the distributor. Some of these benefits include:

1. It helps to protect the intellectual property rights of the supplier.

2. It ensures that the distributor adheres to the supplier`s quality standards.

3. It helps to establish clear roles and responsibilities for both parties.

4. It helps to reduce the risk of disputes between the supplier and the distributor.


A distribution agreement is an essential legal contract between a supplier and a distributor. It outlines the terms and conditions of how the distributor will sell and distribute the supplier`s products or services. It is important for both parties to understand their roles and responsibilities and adhere to the terms of the agreement to ensure a successful partnership. By understanding the definition of a distribution agreement and its key terms, suppliers and distributors can create an effective and profitable distribution relationship.