The General Government Terms and Conditions for Public Service Contracts 2018, also known as Arvodi 2018, is the latest set of guidelines set forth by the Government of Estonia for public service contracts. These guidelines are designed to ensure that public services are procured in a fair and transparent manner, with the aim of achieving value for money for taxpayers.

Arvodi 2018 applies to all public service contracts in Estonia, including those for the provision of goods, services, and works. The guidelines define the terms and conditions under which these contracts are to be awarded and executed, including the procedures for tendering, evaluation of bids, and the monitoring of contracts.

One of the key objectives of Arvodi 2018 is to promote competition amongst suppliers. To achieve this, the guidelines require that contracts be awarded through a competitive tendering process, which is open to all interested parties. The tendering process is to be conducted in accordance with the principles of transparency, objectivity, and non-discrimination.

Arvodi 2018 also sets out the criteria for evaluating tenders. In addition to considering the price quoted by suppliers, the guidelines stipulate that the evaluation should take into account the quality, reliability, and suitability of the services offered. The evaluation process should also give due consideration to social and environmental factors, where relevant.

Another important aspect of Arvodi 2018 is the monitoring of contracts. The guidelines require that all contracts be subject to ongoing monitoring and evaluation to ensure that they are delivering the expected outcomes. This may include regular reporting by suppliers, site visits by government officials, and the use of performance indicators to track progress.

In summary, the General Government Terms and Conditions for Public Service Contracts 2018 (Arvodi 2018) is an important set of guidelines for the procurement of public services in Estonia. These guidelines promote competition, transparency, and value for money, and are designed to ensure that public services are delivered to the highest standards. By adhering to these guidelines, the Government of Estonia can continue to deliver high-quality public services, while also ensuring accountability and transparency in the procurement process.